Looking for best alternative to TaxJar?
Spend under five minutes a month on sales tax with Numeral's white-glove service. Brands like Obvi, immi, Fresh Sends and Muddy Bites rely on us to manage their sales tax compliance.

Crystal clear transparency
At Numeral, transparency is a guiding principle. We like to keep things simple. We have just two fixed fees. You pay only when you use our services—no monthly subscription fees, no variable pricing, and no surge pricing. You'll never be surprised by the cost of your sales tax filings.
Also, with Numeral, you get to see the sales tax you collected vs. what you paid to the state. However, with TaxJar, they will just show you what you paid, leaving you clueless if you're not collecting enough (or over-collecting) sales tax.

Created by ecommerce veterans for online sellers
Numeral was built by experienced ecommerce professionals and CPAs who understand the importance of proper store configuration. Accurate categorization is crucial for effective sales tax collection, and the Numeral team is here to assist you with that setup. Unlike TaxJar, where you’ll get no help with categorization.

Receive around-the-clock assistance
With Numeral’s white-glove service, you spend less than 10 minutes a month on sales tax for your business. And when you have questions, Numeral provides 24/7 live support, and you can send a text to one of our CPAs. Numeral strives to reduce your administrative work so you can focus on your core business. TaxJar will leave you left on “read” and offer no assistance.

Virtual mailboxes monitored by a CPA
Sales tax in 50 states means dealing with a mountain of snail mail. Heaps of mail come in every month, and most of it isn't that important; however, some of them are crucial and you can’t miss it.
That's where Numeral comes in. We provide a virtual mailbox to handle all your sales tax correspondences. The Numeral team reviews it all and only notifies you when something important goes down, like changes in filing frequency, new taxes, or adjustments to your sales tax rate. Unlike TaxJar, we've got your back, and you won't end up buried in piles of mail on your desk.
We manage their sales tax, so they can focus on growing their business.
We had many issues with TaxJar including late filings which incurred penalties, incorrect tax filing resulting in $5700 more paid in taxes, complexities around state onboarding, and non-existent customer support. Numeral provided complete onboarding, prompt customer service, rapid feature additions based on customer input, and so much more.
I was spending way too many hours every month... And if you wanted someone on customer support from my tax service, there was no one. Numeral has made it easy to identify and know the tax laws. And then on your behalf, registering, managing everything, is kind of taking the worry off of my plate.
Let us worry about your sales tax
With Numeral, you spend five minutes or less every month on sales tax. We’re the white-glove service you are looking for that’s run by operators and CPAs.
No long-term contract. No credit card required.